you for visiting our calendar page.
Please take a moment to scroll down and view
our event calendar.
If you prefer to access the calendar directly on
Google, you can do so by following the link provided below. Additionally, we
have included a link to our current newsletters in case you missed this month’s
To receive our newsletter via email each month, simply
send a request to,
and we’ll be happy to add you to our mailing list.
appreciate your support and hope to see you at our upcoming events!
If you use other calendar programs and want to add our Google subscription calendar to your calendar you will need to go into the application you are using find the place to add [*.ics] subscription calendars and then copy and paste this link.
Open to The Public
Physical address & Phone Number: 2101 S. McKenzie St, Foley, AL 36535 ( 251) 943-3114
v Mondays – 12PM TO 9PM.
v Tuesdays – 12PM TO 9PM.
v Wednesday – 12PM TO 10PM.
v Thursday – 12PM TO 9PM.
v Friday – 12PM TO 11PM.
v Saturday – 12PM TO 11PM.
v Sunday – 11AM TO 9PM.
v Mondays
Ø Hotdogs $ 2.00 & Conecuh Sausage $ 3.00 each.
v Tuesdays
Ø Kitchen closed.
v Wednesday
Ø Hamburger or Cheeseburger $ 5.00 add Fries $ 3.00.
v Thursday
Ø Kitchen closed.
v Friday
Ø Menu changes weekly see calendar for this week’s meal usually $12.00 to $ 15.00.
v Saturday
Ø Menu changes weekly see calendar for this week’s meal usually $10.00 to $ 20.00.
v Sunday
Ø Kitchen closed.
happy hour:
v Monday through Thursdays only 12:00AM to 4:30PM
every week events:
v Mondays
Ø Ship, Captain & Crew @5PM. Sometimes after L,R, Center.
v Tuesdays
Ø New events coming soon. (Have a suggestion drop the commander your idea’s)
v Wednesday
Ø BINGO Wednesdays in non-smoking hall area 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Please enter the bingo hall through the side or rear doors. Doors will be open at 9:00 AM.
Ø Acoustic Live music with Doc Johnson Band from 5 to 8 PM.
Ø Queen of Heart’s Drawing at 7 PM. Tickets 6 for $5.00
v Thursday
Ø Legion Golf Tournament, contact Kent (251) 979-3345 for course & Tee Time!
Ø Dart League also on Thursday @ 7 PM.
Ø 40 & 8 Monthly Meeting @Post 99-Odd Months @ 6:00 PM Call John Jackson (251) 971-2019 for info.
v Friday
Ø Live Entertainment & Dinner menu changes weekly see calendar for this week’s line-up. Meals $12.00 to $ 15.00.
v Saturday
Ø Live Entertainment & Dinner menu changes weekly see calendar for this week’s line-up. Meals $10.00 to $ 20.00.
Ø 50/50 Drawing you do not have to be present to win. Tickets are 15 for $5.00, get yours in the lounge.
Ø 80/20 Drawing Saturday’s at 6:30 PM.
v Sunday
Ø New events coming soon. (Have a suggestion drop the commander your idea’s).
Notice: The above Events, Dates, Prices etc. are all suggestive guidelines. We suggest calling our post or checking face book for the most current information regarding all the above information.